Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More Birthday Pictures


We can't believe how fast the past year has gone by and that our little miracle baby is one today!!! We had a little birthday party for Ben with some of his little playgroup friends and Ben had his very own monkey cupcake...which he devoured. Mommy's friend Sarah and her husband Rob, and their little boy Jackson drove down to visit us, too which was super special since Mommy and Sarah had not yet met each others' little boys. Ben goes for his one year check up tomorrow, so we'll see how much he weighs, but we think he is about 23 lbs. and he's very tall. Ben can walk around on his own, but only seems to feel comfortable doing it in the living room, outside of there he likes to walk while pushing a toy, stroller, anything that will move actually. He's sleeping wonderfully at night and eats anything we put in front of him. He is a wonderful blessing and gift from God every minute of every day. We love you Ben! We'll be sure to post lots of new pictures soon... but here are a few to start.