Wednesday, December 24, 2008



Daddy calls this the "rollercoaster"
"Why is this giant teddy-bear licking my feet?"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thoughtful Moment

I wonder if Santa will visit me this year...

Christmas Cards

My big project this month has been to create a great picture of Ben for a Christmas card.. I probably took 50 pictures trying to get a good one. I dressed him in his red and white shirt and dressy little khaki pants and went to work...several times. I got some cute pictures, but leave it to Daddy to pick up the camera once and get a whole bunch of great ones...stay tuned for the winner!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baby Ben 7 weeks

I thought it would be fun to give everyone an idea of what Ben is like every couple of weeks so his friends and family can keep up with him.

Ben is 7 weeks old and growing like crazy! He is about 9.5 lbs and getting very long. He wears size 1 diapers, 0-3 month clothes and 3-6 month socks - he has big feet! I guess we can attribute it all to the fact that he still likes to eat every 2 hours.

At night he'll sleep for about 4 hours the first shift and then 2.5 hours thereafter. He's quite cheerful when he wakes up unless he's super hungry, then he needs to eat to be in a good mood. He really only takes good naps during the day if he and mommy are out and about...other wise he'll catnap here and there for about 10 minutes at a time. He doesn't want to miss out on anything fun!

Ben has started to smile and "talk"... he has the cutest voice ever! He makes lots of "sing songy" noises when he's having fun. He loves to play on his gym mat - see the picture below. He coos at all the animals and lights and bats at the toys that make noise. For quiet-time entertainment, he likes to watch Baby Einstein. He really will watch the screen and even coo at it. These dvd's are the longest that he will go sitting by himself without his pacifier - and he'll even watch them twice in a row sometimes! Another activity that Ben really enjoys is our Mommy and Me class. He loves to watch the other babies and he even made a friend today - he smiled and "talked" to the baby next to him! It was the cutest thing ever. Ben is the youngest in our class - most of the other babies are 12 weeks and 5 months, so he loves to watch them do things that he'll be learning soon like rolling over and sitting up. One thing that people are always impressed by is how well Ben can hold his head up - he is very strong and loves to look around. He also loves to look at himself in the mirror - he knows that he is very, very cute!

Ben is really excited about his first Christmas and to meet his G-Pa and his Grandpa and Granny and his Aunt Kathy. We're super blessed to celebrate a new year with Ben in our arms!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Weeks 5 and 6

He's loving his mirror

Getting ready to get his shop on with Mom

A nap with his best friend

Checking e-mail with Mom

My parents make me wear this stuff.

Ben 6 weeks - his new favorite toy

Thursday, December 4, 2008