Thursday, January 29, 2009


A new toy! Thank you cousins Nicole, Tim and Drake!

Ben loves to sit up like a big boy in his Bumbo!

3 Month Pictures

After a Bath

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ben Is 3 Months Old!

Wow, how fast time is going by! Ben is 3 months old today! He is an absolutely wonderful boy! He wakes up cheerful every morning ready to talk and play or cuddle. He is now sleeping for about 6-8 hours each night - wonderful - and napping for 3-4 hours each day. He is just about ready to go into size 2 diapers and is wearing some 3-6 months clothes. I'm guessing he is about 12-13 lbs. now. He can hold his head up completely and loves to be held sitting up. He'll often try to pull himself up when he's lying back in one of his little seats. During "tummy time" he can push himself up a bit, but he really does not like to be on his tummy for very long. One of his favorite things to do is kick his legs like crazy. When we change his diaper he gets very excited and kicks his legs and "talks" to us... he seems to love being nude! Ben has also learned to suck on his hands...he still prefers his pacis, but if it falls out he stuffs his whole hand into his mouth and slobbers all over his face! It's really cute, but he's also in a bib now to keep his clothes from being soaked. He really is the most precious, sweet and happy baby I've ever seen (of course I'm a little biased) and we are SO blessed to be his parents.

Monday, January 19, 2009